Specialist Family Law Property Valuers
Expertly Advancing Property Settlements with Professionalism and Care
Why Choose Imperial Valuations?
Just as leading Lawyers and Solicitors specialise in a particular area of law, professional Property Valuers specialise in a particular area of valuation. You can be assured that the Valuer undertaking the valuation of your property is impartial, has a comprehensive understanding of their duties to the Court and has significant experience undertaking valuations for family law purposes, including assisting the Court giving expert evidence.
Property Valuations
Since 2009 Imperial Valuations has been at the forefront of the family law property valuation industry in the greater Melbourne area, being widely recognised as a leading property valuation provider by Melbourne’s Family Law Lawyers, Dispute Resolution Providers and Mediators.
Single Expert Property Valuations | Shadow Valuations | Single Expert Report Critique | Questions to Single Expert | Retrospective Property Valuations
Residential | Industrial | Commercial | Retail | Plant & Equipment